Dude Rescue a Struggling Deer Six Miles off The Shore. Watch when He Brings him to The Sand…

Rob Kurdy was out fishing with some pals, he got a real story for the books, and it has nothing to do with fish or sharks. In fact, it has nothing to do with aquatic life at all.
While they were a ways out on the water, they spotted something bobbing about in the small waves. Once they decided to investigate and got a little closer, they realized that it was a deer struggling to stay afloat. Who knows exactly how he ended up so far out in the water — maybe it was a rip tide, or maybe he went in for a dip and started swimming the wrong way. But either way, he ended up in a really tight spot.
I don’t know about you, but I would be terrified if I saw a deer so far out. I simply wouldn’t know what to do! As Kurdy says, that’s a life out there that needs to be saved. In that moment, he was the only one who could save him.
And thank goodness he was there.

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