Frantic Wife Calls while Dad Drives Weird Neighbor Kid Home. Then the Ride Takes a Chilling Twist!

Every day in the United States, over eight people are killed and 1,161 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. When a child is present in the car, adults are more likely to put their phones down and keep their eyes on the road.
Here, we meet a doting dad who drives his teenage daughter and her friends to the local pool. Meanwhile, his wife continues to frantically call him. When he finally pulls over to answer the phone, she tells him that their dog is missing.
When he starts the car back up, Dad is surprised to see a little boy, who he doesn’t know, suddenly in the backseat of his car — like he appeared out of thin air.
Dad learns the boy is a friend of his daughter’s, and he proceeds to give him a ride home. Realizing the phone keeps ringing, the boy asks the father if he’s going to answer it. Dad declines, saying he would never be so irresponsible as to answer the phone while driving.
But that’s when things take a bizarre turn.
AT&T’s creepy yet powerful new ad, entitled “The Unseen,” puts an unexpected twist on the distracted driving PSAs we’re accustomed to seeing.
This video proves how life can change in the blink of an eye — and it’s enough to give you chills.

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